Wart Removal

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Common Warts

Home Remedy Wart Removal

Common Warts

Before you decide to remove your warts, it may be a good idea to first understand the common types of warts that most Americans suffer from. There's a good chance that these warts are the same kind that you're suffering from. A large number of men, women and children all over America suffer from warts, and although some are virtually harmless, I recommend that you find out more about the common forms of warts before deciding to remove them using home remedies.

As you know by now, most warts are common and can occur in individuals of all ages and races. They typically grow in clusters on the hands and fingers, and are rarely found alone. Common warts mostly appear on areas with broken skin, as that is how the wart virus is introduced into the body. Broken skin usually occurs on the hands and fingers (from nail biting) - so that's why warts grow there. In terms of physical characteristics, most common warts are hard or have a rough or scratchy surface.

Common Wart Types

Plain warts or flat warts another common type of wart. They tend to grow in larger groups like most other warts, but unlike the other warts, these kinds tend to be softer to the touch. These forms of warts are often associated with cuts caused by shaving, causing the warts to grow on the face.

Planter warts are another form of common warts. Unlike most other common warts that tend to grow on the face, hands and fingers, planter warts grow mostly on the feet. This causes the sufferer much pain and inconvenience while walking, especially when the wart grows in a cluster (instead of a single wart). Another painful characteristic of planter warts are that unlike other warts that grow outwards, planter warts tend to grow inwards (yikes).

Although the above-mentioned warts are considered the most common “traditional,” types of warts in America, there is yet another type of wart that is slowly but surely spreading across the country. Those warts are known as genital warts. Genital warts are not only known as a skin condition, but are considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD) as well. This is because these warts are most commonly spread through sexual intercourse, sometimes even through protected intercourse. In some cases, genital warts are more difficult to have removed, but like most other warts, it is still possible.

Your Next Step

Now that you may be able to determine the type(s) of wart(s)you have, you'll need to decide whether you want to have your warts removed. Almost all warts can be safely removed at home, but it is advised that seek professional advice if you have genital warts. For the other more common types, you might want to consider an effective natural, non-surgical methods of home remedy wart removal.

Monday, January 01, 2007

At Home Wart Removal Remedy

Home Remedy Wart Removal

Each year, millions of Americans develop a skin condition. Often times that skin condition is only minor. One of the most common minor skin conditions in America is known as warts. Warts are non-cancerous growths that appear on the surface of the skin.

In fact, warts can appear just about anywhere on the body. If you are like many of Americans who do have warts on their body, you may have considered getting them removed, especially if they grow on embarrassing parts of the body such as the face, hands and neck.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to remove your warts, you have a few options available to you. Perhaps the best wart removal option is seeking assistance from a professional. When visiting a certified professional (usually a primary care physician or a dermatologist), you can be confident that you'll get the service that you pay for. However, if you have tried different ways of wart removal methods (whether it be professionally done or using home remedies), you'll find that many of the removal methods are essentially the same. Therefore, a large number of individuals, especially those without health insurance, make the decision to save money and remove their own warts.

If you are interested in doing your own at home wart removal, you have a couple of different options. This is especially true if you are looking for an easy and relatively low-cost way to remove your own warts.

When examining home remedies for wart removal, you need to first use the internet to your advantage. Online, you should be able to find a number of different websites or resource guides that are devoted solely to home remedies; safe home remedies to remove your warts. The nice thing about home remedies is that most people have everything that they'll need at home already. This means that you may not even have to spend an extra dime to fix your wart problem. In addition to researching wart removal home remedies online, you may also want to think about purchasing a home remedy book. While this book might cost a little money, you can be sure that it is much more effective than the free methods available elsewhere.

Although a large number of home remedies are effective at removing warts, there are some individuals who are just uncomfortable with trying them. If you are one of those individuals, rest assured, you are not out of luck. Other than using home remedies, you should also be able to find and easily purchase a number of over-the-counter wart removal products from your local drug store. Over-the-counter wart removal products are often available for less than thirty dollars. These products can be found online, in most department stores, grocery stores, or drug stores. Most people however, tend to prefer purchasing over the internet to avoid embarrassment.

Also, despite the fact that most over-the-counter wart removal products are considered safe, you will still want to exercise caution when using them. Before beginning an over-the-counter wart removal procedure, you are advised to thoroughly read and follow all of the directions that come with the product. Reading and following the directions carefully should only take a few minutes of your time; therefore, there is no reason why you should skip ahead without first knowing what you should or shouldn’t do. You wouldn't want to scar yourself, would you? Just pay a little more attention to the instructions, and it can very well save you a lot of pain and suffering in the future.

Lastly, as with just about anything in life, there are some risks associated with removing your own warts. That is why it is important that you know exactly what you are doing or how you are doing it. The improper removal of a wart may not only result in the re-growth or a failed removal attempt, but it may also result in other worse complications. It is not uncommon for infections to be associated with wart removals, which is why it is important that you always display caution, whether you are using a home remedy or an over-the-counter wart removal product.

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