Easy Wart Removal - not so easy to talk about
I'm sure you know by now, that warts are caused by a particular virus.
That virus is called HPV, and to completely remove all traces of your wart(s), you have to focus on destroying the HPV virus that lingers inside your body.
I know that doesn't sound too rosy or appealing, but that's the truth, and you'll have to deal with that. Recognising the problem is the first step to healing yourself. There's no point if you keep thinking that it's only a small problem, and that everything would take care of itself.
Trust me, denial won't make the problem go away.
So if you're serious about wart removal techniques, bookmark this site and I'll show you how. If you're not serious about fixing your wart problem, go ahead and keep surfing around; maybe some miracle will happen for you. I wish you all the best in your 'efforts'.
But for the rest of you who are willing to take the first step in controlling your wart problem, read on. Don't let your wart problem control you. As the saying goes, "If you've always done what you always did, you'll always get what you always got"
So stop procrastinating and make an affirmative decision to change your life today. The only thing stopping you is yourself.
Now, although having warts might seem like some uncommon disease or a 'dirty' condition, you might be surprised to learn that warts actually occur more often to people than they think.
Approximately 40% of Americans are infected with the HPV virus, and are currently seeking wart removal treatment.
Yep, you heard me. 4 out of every 10 Americans are sufferring from this same disease!
It is also estimated that one million new infections of HPV or genital warts occur every. single. year.
So there you go. While the HPV virus might not seem as 'common' as the common flu, chances are your neighbours are infected, your colleagues are infected, and perhaps even your boss is infected as well! *snicker*
But seriously, is the HPV virus really all that common?
The reason why most people don't know about the virus is because of its 'silent' symptoms. A person can carry the HPV virus for years and years without even knowing that they are infected.
A person infected with genital warts rarely experiences any discomfort, and the infected flesh would not necessarily appear to be abnormal unless it is carefully examined.
So what does this mean?
Yes, the HPV virus is rather common. The problem is that most people don't know that they're infected with it.
If you're still reading this article, chances are that you're aware that you have this virus infection. That's the good news. You can't get rid of the virus if you don't even know that you have it, right? Good, you're well on your way to complete recovery.
Now here's the bad news.
If you go to a doctor seeking wart removal treatemnt, you'll usually be faced with very few options. You see, wart removal is a very person-unique process. What works for one person might not work for another.
You see, wart removal options commonly offered by doctors are almost always painful, invasive, cause scaring and might even be a traumatic experience. This is because the most common 'medically-recommended' methods for wart removal are by burning (cauterization) and freezing (crysurgery).
Sounds nasty? That's because it is.
I really cannot imagine allowing anyone to freeze my flesh (or burn it off for that matter), and then allowing him to slice it off, however 'medically clean' the 'knife' is.
Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, these methods merely take care of the infected tisse (the wart itself), but does nothing about the virus that caused it in the first place!
Yep, you got it right: the warts are going to return! You see, to take care of the wart problem, you'll have to get rid of whatever's causing it in the first place - the HPV virus.
So now you know a little bit more about the wart-inducing virus HPV, and that you need to take care of it to be rid of warts once and for all.
If you're still worried about all those 'burning' and 'slicing' methods that doctors recommend, you might want to check out some other natural wart removal remedies that cost a fraction of the price.
Take care and stay wart-free,
That virus is called HPV, and to completely remove all traces of your wart(s), you have to focus on destroying the HPV virus that lingers inside your body.
I know that doesn't sound too rosy or appealing, but that's the truth, and you'll have to deal with that. Recognising the problem is the first step to healing yourself. There's no point if you keep thinking that it's only a small problem, and that everything would take care of itself.
Trust me, denial won't make the problem go away.
So if you're serious about wart removal techniques, bookmark this site and I'll show you how. If you're not serious about fixing your wart problem, go ahead and keep surfing around; maybe some miracle will happen for you. I wish you all the best in your 'efforts'.
But for the rest of you who are willing to take the first step in controlling your wart problem, read on. Don't let your wart problem control you. As the saying goes, "If you've always done what you always did, you'll always get what you always got"
So stop procrastinating and make an affirmative decision to change your life today. The only thing stopping you is yourself.
Now, although having warts might seem like some uncommon disease or a 'dirty' condition, you might be surprised to learn that warts actually occur more often to people than they think.
Approximately 40% of Americans are infected with the HPV virus, and are currently seeking wart removal treatment.
Yep, you heard me. 4 out of every 10 Americans are sufferring from this same disease!
It is also estimated that one million new infections of HPV or genital warts occur every. single. year.
So there you go. While the HPV virus might not seem as 'common' as the common flu, chances are your neighbours are infected, your colleagues are infected, and perhaps even your boss is infected as well! *snicker*
But seriously, is the HPV virus really all that common?
The reason why most people don't know about the virus is because of its 'silent' symptoms. A person can carry the HPV virus for years and years without even knowing that they are infected.
A person infected with genital warts rarely experiences any discomfort, and the infected flesh would not necessarily appear to be abnormal unless it is carefully examined.
So what does this mean?
Yes, the HPV virus is rather common. The problem is that most people don't know that they're infected with it.
If you're still reading this article, chances are that you're aware that you have this virus infection. That's the good news. You can't get rid of the virus if you don't even know that you have it, right? Good, you're well on your way to complete recovery.
Now here's the bad news.
If you go to a doctor seeking wart removal treatemnt, you'll usually be faced with very few options. You see, wart removal is a very person-unique process. What works for one person might not work for another.
You see, wart removal options commonly offered by doctors are almost always painful, invasive, cause scaring and might even be a traumatic experience. This is because the most common 'medically-recommended' methods for wart removal are by burning (cauterization) and freezing (crysurgery).
Sounds nasty? That's because it is.
I really cannot imagine allowing anyone to freeze my flesh (or burn it off for that matter), and then allowing him to slice it off, however 'medically clean' the 'knife' is.
Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, these methods merely take care of the infected tisse (the wart itself), but does nothing about the virus that caused it in the first place!
Yep, you got it right: the warts are going to return! You see, to take care of the wart problem, you'll have to get rid of whatever's causing it in the first place - the HPV virus.
So now you know a little bit more about the wart-inducing virus HPV, and that you need to take care of it to be rid of warts once and for all.
If you're still worried about all those 'burning' and 'slicing' methods that doctors recommend, you might want to check out some other natural wart removal remedies that cost a fraction of the price.
Take care and stay wart-free,
The dry ice to the top of the wart. do not touch the dry ice to any of the surrounding skin. That would be a really great one.
treatment for warts
Great information here. I really cannot imagine allowing anyone to freeze my flesh (or burn it off for that matter), and then allowing him to slice it off, however 'medically clean' the 'knife' is. Thanks for sharing..wart remover
I haven't tried it yet, but I've read that tea tree oil, or Melaleuca alternifolia oil, is an effective natural remedy for Pearly Penile Papules. Tea tree oil is a really lovely product from Australia--it tingles and smells kind of like eucalyptus, and I've used as a treatment for cuts and blisters, because it acts as an antimicrobial. Its also the main ingredient in the Derma Remedies product. I'm going to make an experimental paste of garlic and tea tree oil and let you guys know what happens to the annoying wart on my right heel (the place where I always get blisters from sandals).
thanks for helping in removal of my home remedy wart. really appreciate.SEO Services
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